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I am Andrea, and my family owns Firefly Cellars. The Pierleonardi family is, and always has been, all about experiences. We have been creating unique and memorable experiences for people for years, in our personal lives and our professional lives alike. We are no strangers to small business or family business, as our family has owned PMSI for the last 30+ years. For as long as I can remember, Pest Management Services, Inc has been what I’ve known, and I grew up seeing how a business is run, but more importantly, what makes a family run business so incredibly special. Creating an EXPERIENCE for others is our passion, and that is where Firefly Cellars came into play. We knew that we wanted our family legacy to extend beyond PMSI, and we knew that our love of unique experiences was something we wanted to expand on in our professional lives.

After my three daughters were born, my parents’ desire to provide more of a legacy for us became even stronger, especially a legacy that I would be passionate about. We wanted to create a space where we could combine our mom’s business savviness, our dad’s attention to detail, Zach’s incredible humor and personality, and my love for good wine, hospitality, and event planning….and Firefly Cellars has become that space for us.